Service Includes: Classic hand wash, body shine, clean tires, rims, rain-x, wipe exterior and interior windows, inside door jamb, vacuum interior carpets and seats, and dusting interior, air fragrance rquested
Service Includes: Classic hand wax with removal of settled impurities from surface, by hand with a gentle non-abrasive microfiber fabric, and special attentnio to restorable blemishes in paint job (*after consultation*) shine tires, rims, exterior window, and rain-x.
Service Includes: Classic hand wash, rain-x, shine tires, rims, vacuum interior carpets and seats, shampoo and deodorize interior carpets, and shampoo then deodorize seats, or clean and condition leather seats.
Service Includes: Classic hand wash, wax, shine tires, rims, rain-x exterior window, interior window, inside door jam, vacuum interior carpets and seats, and dusting. Shampoo to deodorize interior carpets, and shampoo then deodorize seats, or clean and condition leather seats. Classic hand was with removal of settled impurities from surface, by hand with a gentle non-abrasive microfiber fabric, and special attention to restorable blemishes in pain job (*after consultation*) shine tires *rims* exterior windows.